In the event that your prized car breaks down and needs to be towed to a service station, a flatbed towing truck can provide greater peace of mind that your car will not sustain wear and tear while getting towed to safety. With Bradenton Towing Company, you can request a flatbed tow truck for your vehicle 24/7, to better protect a vintage car, heavy-duty car, performance car or truck.
The industry standard definition of a local tow is any local tow under 25 miles. It goes without saying that our local towing services are much cheaper than long-distance towing services.
We can pick-up and deliver in any city and neighborhood within a 25-mile radius of Bradenton. Just let us know where you’re needing towed to. We’d be glad to tow you to your home, your mechanic or another location. Just let us know. We’re here to serve you!
We provide the best towing service near Bradenton, FL with the most up-to-date equipment to make sure your vehicle arrives safe at your destination.